Coordinator head: Prof. DSc Vihren Bouzov
contacts: philos@uni-vt.bg
The Centre for Cross-border Studies at the University of Veliko Turnovo was opened by a decision of the Academic Council in 2012 (Protocol 5/21.05.2012) for guaranteeing sustainability of results of a joint European project MIS-ETC Code 408 Maximizing Comparative Advantages of the Border Regions - with the University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Romania, supported by Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme, 2007-2013 (http://calarasicbc.ro/hartainteractiva/?p=729). The project activities are presented on the page: (http://crossbgborder.com/cbcrobg/index-en.html).
The Centre for Cross-Border Studies is managed by a Board of Experts on the basis of accepted by the Academic Council Constituent Status and a Strategy of development (Protocol № 6/11.06.2012). Its general scope of activities is: conducting of scientific and teaching, theoretical-applied and consultancy activities in the field of regional policies, regional development and cooperation with Romania; preparation and applying to the European institutions with joint projects in Bulgaria and Romania; international cooperation with academic institutions from Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and other neighbor countries and conducting joint training programmes. Since the end of 2014 the Centre has been included in the structure of the Institute of Perspective Scientific Research Studies.
Publications of the Centre for Cross-Border Studies
Bouzov, V. T. Kaleynska, A. Markovska et.al. (2011), Vliyanie na Evropeiskata Integracja varhu granichnite regioni[Impact of the European Integration on the Border Regions],„Impactul integrarii europene asupra regiunilor de grani?a”, Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN 978-954-524-829-0;
Baykov, B.; A. Markovska, K. Pasatoiu and P. Rinderu (2012) Modernizacja na publichnite institucii [Modernization of Public Institutions] [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian), ISBN 978-954-524-863-4;
Baykov, B., R. Petku (2012) Dobro upravlenie/ Buna guvernare, Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN978-954-524-861-0;
Penchev, P., N. Minchev, Cr. Otovesku Frasie (2012), Mestno razvitie/ Dezvoltare locala [Local Development] Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN978-954-524-862-7;
Rinderu, P., Cr. Pasatoiu, T. Kaleynska (2012), Evropeiskite politiki i institucii/ POLITICI ?I INSTITU?II EUROPENE [European Policies and Institutions], Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN978-954-524-864-1;
Sandu, Al., V. Kouteva-Cvetkova, Cr. Ilie-Goga (2012), Pazar na truda/Piata muntii [Labour Market], Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN 978-954-524-865-8;
Panea, N., V. Georgieva (2012), Ravenstvo mejdu polovete, malcinstvata/ Egalitatea de gen, minori?a?i [Gender Equality, Minorities], Caiova Romania, Alma& УИ „Св.св. Кирил и Методий” [Edition Alma, Romania and Veliko Turnovo University Press] (in Romanian and Bulgarian) ISBN978-954-524-866-5;
Bouzov, V. (ed.), Maximizing Comparative Advantages of Border Regions (The European Integration of Romania and Bulgaria – Problems and Issues), St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo and “Ex-Press” Gabrovo, ISBN 978-954-490;
Neskovic, Sl. (ed.) 2012, Resursi i bezbednost Jugoiztocne Evrope [Resources and Security in South-Eastern Europe], Beograd, Zbornik Radova [Belgrade, Thematic Collective Book], Kn.XIII, CESNAB and University of Veliko Turnovo, 465 s. ,ISBN 978-86-85985-20-1;
Bouzov, V. (ed.) Novi predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta na Balkanite Tom 1[New Challenges to the Balkan Security Vol.1], IVIS, Veliko Turnovo, ISBN 9789542968894;
Bouzov, V. (ed.) Novi predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta na Balkanite Tom 2[New Challenges to the Balkan Security Vol.2], IVIS, Veliko Turnovo, ISBN 978-619-205-005-4;
Bouzov, V. (ed.) Novi predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta na Balkanite Tom 3[New Challenges to the Balkan Security Vol.3], IVIS, Veliko Turnovo, ISBN 9786192050238;
Bouzov, V. (ed.) (2017) Transgranichno sutrudnichestvo i politiki na razvitie v Bugaria I na Balkanite [Cross-Border Cooperation and Development Policies in Bulgaria and on the Balkans], Vol.4, IVIS, Veliko Turnovo, ISNB 978-619-205-051-1/ ISSN 2335-0056.
Our major partners in international research projects are: 1) From Romania – Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova; Institute of Development Policies (www.idp.ro); the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Bucharest and the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Iasi Branch, Institute of Economic and Social Research “Gh. Zane”, 2) From Serbia – the largest Serbian non-governmental organization in national security - the Centre for Strategic Studies of National Security – Belgrade (http://www.cesnab.org.rs/) and the Centre for Sociological Research and the Institute of Balkan Studies from the University of Nis, Faculty of Philosophy. The Head of the Institute of Balkan Studies Prof. Ljubisa Mitrovic is our honorary professor. Our Centre has good relations with research centers with interests in the Balkans from Poland, Russia and Kazakhstan.
Projects with a team from the Centre for Cross-Border Studies
2011-2012 MIS-ETC Code 408 „Maximizing Comparative Advantages of Border regions” University of Craiova, Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences - Lead Partner, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, Philosophical Faculty, Romania-Bulgaria Program of Cross-border Cooperation 2007-2013, Second call – 486000 euro -(http://crossbgborder.com/cbcrobg/index-bg.html)
Intensive Erasmus Programme “Glocal Understanding of Forced Migration”, Lead Partner Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey, participation of 13 universities (http://ip4migration.wix.com/ip4migration#);
2012-2017 Project 179074 “Tradition, Modernization and Identities in Serbia and in the Balkans in the Processes of European Integrations“, University of Nis, Centre of Sociological Studies – our Centre organized and participated in scientific events and collected a research team for survey (800 students from each country - Bulgaria, Serbia and FYROM – tradition, modernization and identities)
2010-2013 POSDRU проект 2010-2013 89/1.5/S/56815„Knowledge-Based Society – Researchs ,Debates, Perspectives” Project „The Knowledge Based Society – Researches, Debates, Perspectives” – Romanian Academy- Iasi Branch, University of Baia Mare, Romania. Organization of Post-Doctoral Studies of 6 Romanian Post-Doctoral Fellows.
Projects with Support of the University Research Budget
2013-2015 “New Challenges to the Regional Security of the Balkans” supported by the University of Veliko Turnovo (scientific grant for 3 years), Chairman: Prof.DSc V. Bouzov;
2016-18 “Cross Border Cooperation and Development Policies in Bulgaria and on the Balkans” supported by the University of Veliko Turnovo (scientific grant for 3 years), Chairman: Prof. DSc V. Bouzov
(Site: https://sites.google.com/site/vtucrossborder/home);
Scientific conferences of the centre
12-13.06.2012, V. Turnovo, Close In International Conference„ Maximizing Comparative Advantages of Border regions“ - Project MIS-ETC Code 408„Maximizing Comparative Advantages of Border regions” University of Craiova, Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences - Lead Partner, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University, Philosophical Faculty, Romania-Bulgaria Program of Cross-border Cooperation 2007-2013, Second call – 486000 euro (http://crossbgborder.com/cbcrobg/index-bg.html;
22-23.11.2013, V. Turnovo, International Scientific Conference „New Challenges to Security on the Balkans”(Presented 30 papers from 8 countries);
16-17.10.2014, V. Turnovo, International Scientific Conference „New Challenges to Security on the Balkans” 2 (Presented 25 papers from 6 countries);
5-6.11.2015, V. Turnovo, International Scientific Conference „New Challenges to Security on the Balkans” 3 (Presented 50 papers, 18 from foreign participants);
31.03.2016, Craiova, Romania, “Forum on Studies of Society – International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities”- Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Romania in partnership with the Faculty of Philosophy and the Faculty of Economics, University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria, University of Isparta, Turkey - http://www.globaleventslist.elsevier.com/events/2016/03/forum-on-studies-of-society-fss-international-conference-on-social-sciences-and-humanities/;
17-18.11.2016, V. Turnovo, International Scientific Conference „Cross-Border Cooperation and Development Policies in Bulgaria and on the Balkans“(Presented 60 papers, 24 from foreign participants) https://sites.google.com/site/vtucrossborder/home;
16-17.11.2017 , V. Turnovo, International Scientific Conference “Cross-Border Cooperation, Security and Development Perspectives in the Wider Black Sea Region”
(call for papers: http://www.uni-vt.bg/eng/event.aspx?evid=zev-2-77&zid=12 and
Coordinator head: Assist. Prof. PhD Anna Ivanova
contacts: philos@uni-vt.bg
The Centre for Philosophical Studies is established with its statute affirmed in a resolution of the Academic Council, Protocol № 10/ 19.22.2005 (http://www.uni-vt.bg/bul/nb.aspx?c=4&i=true&zid=1#nbtop) The Strategy for its development was accepted with a resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Philosophy (3.11.2008 г.) and a verification by the Academic Council (Pr. 1/26.01.2009). The Centre for Philosophical Studies is a serving science and research unit for the conduction of fundamental and applied scientific research in all fields of philosophical sciences. Its framework goal is the attraction of bachelor, master and PhD students for participation in scientific research. For its realization the Centre organizes seminars and club work, individual and group assignment of inquiries, translations and discussions of new books.
The Centre supports the issuing of the graduate journal “Perspectives”, which began in The University of Veliko Turnovo and currently is an international scientific journal of the established by our students Institute Perspectives.
The Centre conducted several seminars about the methodical aspects of teaching philosophical disciplines in the Veliko Turnovo University learning base in Arbanasi with the participation of colleagues form Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and South-West Univeristy “Neofit Rilski”.
Projects of the Centre for Philosophical Studies
2007-2010 “Institutions of Knowledge in Europe at the Beginning of Modern age” (contract Д01-834/07.11.2006 г. № ВУ-ОХН – 209/2006); project leader prof. DSc. Vihren Bouzov; in partnership with The Institute for Medieval Philosophy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Financed by the National Fund for Scientific Research of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science; amount of funding: 48 600 BGN.
2007 “The Problem of Euthanasia – philosophical, psychological and legal aspects”; project leader prof. Minko Hadzhiiski and assoc. prof. Nora Bozhilova; financed by the The MES Regulation for the support of science and research activity; amount of funding: 1000 BGN
2008 „Perspectives and legacy of the philosophy in Bulgaria“; project leader prof. Kiril Shopov; financed financed by the The MES Regulation for the support of science and research activity; amount of funding: 8000 BGN
Publications from national projects with the contribution of the Centre for Philosophical Research
Bozhilova, N. (ed.) 2006. Ars i Scientia prez Srednovekovieto. Sbornik ot nauchna konferentsiya,[Ars and Scientia during the Middle Ages. Collections from scientific conference] Izdatelska kashta „Odri
Bouzov, V. (ed.) 2008. Evropeyskite institutsii na znanieto v nachaloto na Novoto vreme”. Sbornik ot nauchna konferentsiya, [European Institutions of Knowledge at the beginning of Modern Age] Izdatelska kashta „Odri”, ISBN 978-954-9904-54-3
Buzov, V.(ed.)2009. Rannomoderna Evropa: universiteti, nauka, humanizam. Dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya [Europe at the Early Modern Time Period: Universities, Science, Humanism. Collections from a Scientific Conference] Veliko Tarnovo: Izdatelstvo „Аbagar”, ISBN 978-954-427-835-9
Bouzov, V. (ed.) 2010. Mrezhi i institutsii na znanieto v Rannomoderna Evropa”, Dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya, [Networks and Institutions of Knowledge in Europe in the Early Modern Time Period. Collections from a Scientific Conference] Veliko Tarnovo 2010, Izdatelstvo „Аbagar”, ISBN 978-954-427-889-2
Bozhilova, N. and Hadzhiiski, M. 2009. Evtanaziya (filosofsko-eticheski, moralno-pravni i psihologicheski aspekti), [Euthanasia. (Philosophical, ethical, legal and psychological aspects)] Veliko Turnovo: UI „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, ISBN 978-954-524-691-3
Publications from national and international conferences
Bouzov V. (ed.) 2009. Filosofski i psihologicheski idei, Sbornik za doktorantski i studentski izsledvaniya, Poreditsa „Balgarskata vselena – etnokulturni traditsii i natsionalni perspektivi“[Philosophical and Psychological Ideas. Collections for graduate research. Series “Bulgarian Universe – ethno-cultural traditions and national perspectives”] nauchen redaktor E. Dankov, UI „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, Tom 2, ISBN 978-954-524-655-5
Bouzov, V. Hadzhiiski, M. (eds.) 2010. Idei v humanitarnite nauki. Studenstski i doktorantski izsledvaniya po filosofiya, psihologiya i politicheski nauki, Poreditsa „Balgarskata vselena – etnokulturni traditsii i natsionalni perspektivi“, [Ideas in the Humanities, Graduate Studies in Philosophy, Psychology and Political Sciences. Series “Bulgarian Universe – ethno-cultural traditions and national perspectives”] nauchen redaktor E. Dankov, UI „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, Tom 3, ISBN 978-954-524-756-9
Bouzov, V. and Dobrev, D. (eds.) 2013. Savremenni sotsialni i psihologicheski izsledvaniya, Studenstski i doktorantski izsledvaniya po filosofiya, psihologiya i politicheski nauki, Poreditsa „Balgarskata vselena – etnokulturni traditsii i natsionalni perspektivi“,[Contemporary Social and Psychological Studies, Graduate Studies in philosophy, Psychology and Political Sciences. Series “Bulgarian Universe – ethno-cultural traditions and national perspectives”] nauchen redaktor E. Dankov, UI „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, Tom 4, ISBN 978-954-524-904-4
Bouzov, V. (ed.) 2014. “50 godini VTU „SV.sv. Kiril i Metodiy 1963-2013 g. Sektsiya Filosofski fakultet”, [50Years St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Section Faculty of Philosophy] UI “Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy”, ISBN 978-954-524-985-3
Ivanova, A. 2014. Filosofiyata v sledpostmoderna situatsiya – prilozheniya i perspektivi. bornik s materiali ot mezhdunarodna konferentsiy [Philosophy in After-postmodern Situation. Proceedings from and International Conference] Sbornik s materiali ot savmestna mezhdunarodna konferentsiya 20-21.05. 2014 g., posvetena na 20-godishninata na spetsialnost „Filosofiya“ vav VTU „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“ i 145-godishninata na BАN, 312 str., UI „Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, ISBN 978-954-524-990-7
Bouzov, V. and Ivanova, A. (eds.) 2017. „20 godini Filosofski fakultet vav VTU „Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy“(Yubileyna mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na Filosofski fakultet na VTU „Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, [20 Years Philosophical Faculty at VTUSt Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Anniversary International Scientific Conference of The Faculty of Philosophy of VTU)] Veliko Turnovo: UI „Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy“, ISBN 978-619-208-097-6
Scientific conferences of the Centre for Philosophical Studies
2005. Cooperative conference in Blagoevgrad, Sofia and Veliko Turnovo “”Ludwig Wittgenstein and Analytic Philosophy” with the support of the embassies of Austria and Norway
28-29.09.2007, Arbanasi Readings: “European Institutions of Knowledge in the beginning of Modern Age”
2008. Veliko Turnovo: “Perspectives and Heritage of Philosophy in Bulgaria”
2009, Arbanasi Readings: “Europe at the Early Modern Time Period: Universities, Science, Humanism”
30-31.10.2010 Veliko Turnovo: “Networks and Institutions of Knowledge in Europe in the Early Modern Time Period.” Final Conference of project Institutions of Knowledge in Europe in the Early Modern Time Period, contract Д01-834/07.11.2006 г. № ВУ-ОХН – 209/2006.
20-21.05. 2014, Veliko Turnovo: “Philosophy in After-Postmodern Situation”, Cooperative International Conference of Veliko Turnovo University and the Institute for the Study of Society and Knowledge, BAS Devoted to the 145th Anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
5-6.11.2015, Veliko Turnovo: “20 Years Faculty of Philosophy at VTU”, International scientific conference
28.06.2016, Veliko Turnovo: Bulgarian - Romanian Seminar “E=The Ethics of Political and Social Life”, Veliko Turnovo, with the support of Erasmus Programmme, participants from the University of Bucharest and the University of Veliko Turnovo,
18.11.2016, “Philosophy and the Contemporary World” – cooperative event with the Faculty of Philoaopshy of the University of Bucharest and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Craiova, Romania
Coordinator head: prof. dr. Elena Boradzhieva
The Centre of Psychology is a successor of the Psychology Lab that was established in 1995. It was created on the proposal of the Faculty of Philosophy Council (Pr. №2/23.02.2012) and a resolution of the Academic Council of Veliko Turnovo University (Pr. № 3/19.03.2012). The Statute of the Centre of Psychology was adopted by the Faculty of Philosophy Council (Pr.3/05.04.2012) and was verified by the Academic Council of VTU on 21 May 2012 (Pr. № 5). Its activities are: the conduction of scientific and teaching work, theoretic and practical studies in the fields of pedagogical, social, labour psychology and in the field of the main social spheres of education, management, law, group interpersonal, formal and informal communication. Since 21.12.2014, The Centre of Psychology is included in as a part of the Institute for Perspective Scientific Studies.
Projects of the Centre of Psychology
“Project – oriented Education of Psychology Bachelor Students”; project leader prof. dr. Krasimira Yonkova; financed by the The MES Regulation №9 for the support of science and research activity;
“Practices of communicative technology of education in institutions of higher education”; project leader – prf. Dr. Daniela Tasevska; financed by the The MES Regulation №9 for the support of science and research activity;
Publications with the Contribution of the Centre of Psychology
2015. Sb.“ 20 godini spetsialnost „Psihologiya“ vav VTU „Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy“ – patuvane kam sebe si“[ “20 Years Psychology Programme at St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo. Psychology – a Trip to Oneself”] Collections of Anniversary Scientific Conference, Veliko Turnovo, , ISBN 978-619-208-022-8;
Scientific Conferences of the Centre of Psychology
7-8.11.2014, International Anniversary Conference “20 Years Psychology Programme at St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo. Psychology – a Trip to Oneself”
25.10.2016 National scientific and practical conference “The Art of Loving and the Responsibility for One’s Own Existence”
12.05.2017 Third national scientific and practical conference on psychodrama
21.05.2017 International graduate scientific conference “The Person in the Sociocultural Context of the 21st Century”
Coordinator head: assoc. prof. dr. Maya Ruseva
contacts: https://www.facebook.com/arsworkshop
The Workshop of Phenomenology of Politics Ars exists informally since 2010 as a research initiative of the academic community of VTU researchers, students and alumni from different specialties with interests in the socio-politological studies. It was formed in connection with the scientific research project “Specifics of the Bulgarian Transition Period” of the Department of Political Science, Sociology and Culture Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy. Its statute was accepted with Resolution № 3/ 23.03.2015. The workshop develops and conducts scientific research initiatives, projects and expert evaluations. It forms teams for their realizations with experts and researchers and attracts students as a form of extracurricular activity.
Scientific Initiatives of the Ars Workshop
Academic readings in memory of prof. dr. Kiril Shopov, Veliko Turnovo, VTU, 29th of November 2016.
Lecture with practicum on the topic “Development and Defense of a Master Thesis, Veliko Turnovo, VTU, 24th of October 2016
Lecture with practicum on the topic “Building, structuring and writing of a scientific text” Veliko Turnovo, VTU, 11 of April 2016
Methodical seminar: “The Relation between Demography and Democracy”, Veliko Turnovo, VTU, 10th of March 2015
Publications of the Ars Workshop
Ruseva, M. (ed.) 2014. Upravlenski modeli na balgarskiya prehod: Sbornik studentski izsledvaniya. Chast 1. [Governing Models of Bulgaria Transition: A Collection os Students’ Studies, Part 1] Veliko Tarnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy”, ISBN 978-954-524-941-9
Ruseva, M. (ed.) 2016. Politologichni rakursi: Sbornik ot akademichni cheteniya v pamet na prof. K. Shopov. [Politological Perspectives: Collections of academic readings in memory of Kiril Shopov]/ Sastavitel Maya Ruseva. – Veliko Tarnovo: Universitetsko izdatelstvo „Sv. sv. Kiril i Metodiy”(forthcoming)